Extension:RSS -- Error: "" is not in the whitelist of allowed feeds. There are no allowed feed URLs in the whitelist.
Subversion repository
svn checkout svn://
svn checkout svn://
SIM-IM 0.9.4 sources
SIM-IM 0.9.4 RC2 Installer Important: Uninstall SIM (mingw-version) before install RC2
SIM-IM 0.9.4 RC1 Win32 (mingw32) build installer
Win32 (mingw32) SVN build
Win32 (MSVC 2005) SVN build
Noragen's Win32 SVN builds
Debian GNU/Linux packages
SIM-IM 0.9.4 for i386 Debian Sarge (stable)
SIM-IM 0.9.4 RC2 for Debian Sarge (stable)
SIM-IM 0.9.4 RC2 for Debian Etch (testing) or simly $ apt-get update && apt-get install sim
SIM-IM 0.9.4 RC2 for Debian Sid (unstable) or simly $ apt-get update && apt-get install sim
SuSE 10.0 package
RPM April 30. 2006 SVN QT3 Development branch
Arch packages
Package for ARCH-Linux install TarBall with makepkg
then pcaman -A <packetname>
Gentoo ebuilds
See also project downloads page